Monday, January 9, 2012
New Year
We all know how good I am at blogging (NOT!). I've just blogged 1 year in 1 night. Beware of the photo/blog dump. It's hard to jump back in once so much time has passed. I've included snapshots of our 2011 below. I can't believe how fast time goes and how fast kids change. I have considered attemping to keep up this blog as a new year resolution, but I don't know how well that will turn out. I'll do the best I can and see what happens. Happy 2012 Everyone!
Jack's Birthday/Holidays
I can't believe I almost forgot about my Jack-Jack! He turned 3 years old on November 21st! We had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme (the kid loves it and doesn't let a day go by without watching at least 1 episode) Our lives wouldn't be the same without this little guy! Love ya Jack-Jack!

It seems like once Halloween is over, the rest of the holidays fly by and before you know it, the New Year has come and gone. We had a great 2011. Our family has been blessed with good health, steady jobs, and wonderful family support. We look forward to this new year and all it has to offer. Hope your holidays were all you hoped for. Happy Be-lated Holidays!!
It seems like once Halloween is over, the rest of the holidays fly by and before you know it, the New Year has come and gone. We had a great 2011. Our family has been blessed with good health, steady jobs, and wonderful family support. We look forward to this new year and all it has to offer. Hope your holidays were all you hoped for. Happy Be-lated Holidays!!
Family Photo Attempt
I mentioned before how I get an idea in my head of getting family photos in the fall with all the brilliant colors. We put in a good effort, but the results didn't reflect the effort. I've decided we need a third party. Now I just need to convince my husband and maybe we can get some decent family pictures. I couldn't use any of the ones of us together; but separately- they are pretty good.

Fall Fun/Halloween 2011
Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I always get this idea in my head to get some awesome family pictures, or pictures of my boys. Well, being the age that they are and my patience level (or lack thereof), it didn't turn out the way I'd hoped. I was able to get a couple of good ones. Some of the Maughan cousins also had some fun carving pumpkins at my sister Kim's house. Uncle Scott and Grandpa set up shop and did back-to-back Jack-o-lanterns. They turned out awesome!
Side note: We didn't have a very eventful Halloween; Jack refused to wear his Elmo costume (which I thought he'd Love) and we ended up trick-or-treating to a few of our neighbors without his costume. Kade was SuperMan but couldn't care less about trick-or-treating. Maybe this year they'll understand it better and get into it.

Side note: We didn't have a very eventful Halloween; Jack refused to wear his Elmo costume (which I thought he'd Love) and we ended up trick-or-treating to a few of our neighbors without his costume. Kade was SuperMan but couldn't care less about trick-or-treating. Maybe this year they'll understand it better and get into it.
Late Entry- Maughan Campout July 2011
I forgot to put in our Maughan "Campout" that we had this summer. We opted to have a BBQ, games, a gigantic family birthday party, and a movie under the stars at my sister Kim's house instead of packing up the camping gear and driving miles out of town somewhere. Having all the in-state Maughans together was lots of fun. We missed Janie and her family and Braden and his wife who live far away. Hopefully we can catch the whole family next time.

Montana Trip August/Sept 2011
We took our last vacation/road trip for 2011 toward the beginning of fall in August/Sept. We drove up north to Montana; met up with my parents and sister's family and drove up further to Glacier National Park and Whitefish, MT. We were able to see some BEAUTIFUL country and make some lasting memories. Here are the highlights:

Cabin Weekend August 2011
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